Crucial Books to level up your Ruby on Rails skills

Crucial Books to level up your Ruby on Rails skills


2 min read

Learning a new programming language can be very intimidating. There's infinite unknowns, and it can be difficult to chart your own path forward. Something about reading words on a page activates neurons for me in a way that other exercises don't quite fulfill. I recommend checking out these books for anyone looking to level up their abilities, regardless of current skill level.

Here's 3 that have impacted my career drastically, along with a link and note about each:

Learn Ruby the Hard Way

Author: Zed Shaw

Amazon Link

Learn Ruby the Hard way was chalk-full of great exercises and projects to work on. If you stick it through, finish the exercises, and run all the provided code, this book is very insightful into how Ruby works. Great for beginners to deep-dive into the language, but also a solid recommendation to anyone who isn't 100% confident in their Ruby chops at the mid or senior levels.


Author: Sandi Metz

Amazon link

Funny name, amazing book. Initially Principles of Object Oriented Design in Ruby was gifted to me by a coworker. It completely changed the way I think about designing software, and especially organizing my thinking in regards to Ruby. This is my favorite book on the list.

Pragmatic Programmer

Author: David Thomas

Amazon link

Pragmatic programmer is another staple classic that I found earlier in my career. I'm in the camp that it should be required reading for anyone interested in a career in software engineering. Not very code intensive, it covers more of the "why" behind software engineering principles instead of the "how". Good for reading while you don't have a code editor handy, like during travel, or if you enjoy audiobooks.

If you're a ten-year-veteran in the industry, you may find less value with Pragmatic Programmer than the other options on the list; nonetheless a great read.

Final thoughts

Initially in my career I swore by only needing video lessons and projects. As I've grown, I feel that books have played a pivotal role in my career trajectory. Check these out and let me know what you think!

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